Tuesday, June 22, 2010


When I arise from my beauty sleep, this is what I hear:

"Oh goodness, Muska! Look at your room! Look at the whole house! What if your mother saw this! There are going to be flies all over the house! (even though she is the one who brings fruit upstairs and the flies are fruit flies) Muska, one day you are going to get married and your husband is going to freak! Muska, go pray! The difference between you and an animal is that you pray!!! Muska Muska Muska Muska !!!!!"

I love my grandmother to death but she is driving me nuts. The last thing I want to do is feel stressed out and that is what she is making me feel. I am trying to enjoy my last summer before graduation, and this is not helping. First of all, I can barely clean up after myself, how can I be expected to clean after others? Our house has never been truly "clean" before, due to the fact that there are seven people living in the house. The only thing I have to look forward to is that I (hopefully) will be leaving to go to college and room with Sana Babana.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Awww your poor grandma's just trying to help. She means well, but I totally know what you mean. Sometimes rolling eyes and yelling NOOO is the most tempting thing to do. But insha'allah I really do hope that we will be rooming together next year. I want to so bad! You have no idea how bad I want to room with you Muska bo buska.

    Feels good to vent on your blog doesn't it?? :) I thought so too
